

Low Hunter O/F (2’9” – 3’)

Annual Hunter Trials

The Camargo Hunter Trials, one of the oldest competitions in North America, features horse riding and jumping competitions that test a horse’s stamina on a “hunt field” type of terrain.

Saturday October 2, 2023

Gates open 8 A.M
Competition begins 10 A.M

Clippinger Field
Indian Hill . Cincinnati

Low Hunter O/F (2’9” – 3’)

Class Number: 1
DIVISION: [acf_views view-id="934" name="Division link"]

Open card. All ages.

The perpetual trophy for the Low Hunter O/F (2’9″ – 3’0″) class was donated by Mary B Nippert.

Past Winners

2022 Pippi Longstocking
2021 N/A
2020 Buzz Armstrong
2019 Mr T

Ready to ride?


You don’t need a horse to experience the thrill of the chase, the camaraderie of the club, and the beauty of the land.

Social members have so many ways to be a part of the Camargo Hunt.