Join Us

Join Us

There are many ways to participate in the Camargo Hunt.  We hope to have you join us soon!


We love to have guests join us in the field.  This is called “capping” – the name comes from an old custom of passing around a cap to collect money.  Guests who cap pay a set amount (see below) to join us for a day of hunting followed by food and camaraderie.

You should have the skill level to be able to ride safely in an open field, and to control your mount in a group and around foxhounds.  We recommend those new to hunting to ride in our “third field,” which is a group that rides at a slower, steadier pace, without jumping.  

If you don’t already have a friend in the hunt club, we will pair you up with a mentor who will ride with you and give you tips and assistance, if necessary.

Guests map “cap” no more than three times in one season.  After that, if you’re still keen (which we think you will be!), we hope you will join us as a member.  Read through the content below to learn more about what you will need for capping.  Email Master Natalie Nesbitt to inquire about capping.



There is probably no sport in which the rules and customs of dress are more rigid than in a well-organized Hunt. The rider should always look neat and dress appropriately for the sport.

Every person riding a horse is required to wear a properly fitted protective helmet which carries the SEI (Safety Equipment Institute) tag. Helmet harness must be secured and properly fitted.  Protective vests are permitted, and ideally, are of a color in keeping with your coat.

Jewelry is limited to cuff links, unadorned stock pins and wedding bands (no earrings). Unless your hair is sort, it should be contained snugly in a hair net.

Hunt whips are optional.

Juniors may wear lightweight hunting or tweed jackets, tan jodhpurs and jodhpur boots or tall boots with proper headgear in all seasons.  Juniors may wear formal attire during periods of formal dress.

Your dress will depend upon when you join us. We wear informal attire (“ratcatcher”) during the fall cubbing season (before the Blessing of the Hounds, which begins the formal season). During formal season, we wear formal attire on weekends, and informal attire on weekdays. On High Holy Days (see below) we always wear formal attire.

Informal Attire

Item Description
Jacket Tweed or subdued colored hacking jacket
Vest Choice of a simple unadorned tattersall or muted solid color
Breeches Buff, canary, tan or brick
Boots Black or brown field boots, or black dress boots
Headgear Black or brown velvet certified safety helmet with a chin harness properly fastened; for those who wish to be entirely proper, the ribbon ends should point up
Shirt A turtleneck in a subdued solid color with a stock tie (colors and patterns permitted), or a button-down shirt with a necktie
Gloves String or leather

Formal Attire

This listing is for riders who have not earned their colors with Camargo. Members with colors should consult the handbook.

Item Description
Jacket A plain black, dark navy, or Oxford gray hunt coat
Vest Canary yellow
Breeches Tan, buff or canary
Boots Black dress boots preferred; black field boots acceptible
Headgear Black velvet certified safety helmet with a chin harness properly fastened; for those who wish to be entirely proper, the ribbon ends should point up
Shirt White
Stock White stock held with an unadorned horizontal stock pin
Gloves Brown, tan, or white, in string or leather


Your horse should wear clean English tack in good condition.  Breastplates are very strongly encouraged, as much of our terrain is very hilly.  Running martingales are allowed if necessary for your horse (use rein stoppers, please).  Your saddle pad should be white and fitted.

Ideally, your bridle will be plain brown leather (not raised, decoratively stitched, etc).  You should use the bit necessary to stop your horse in the field.  Remember that most horses love foxhunting, and find it very exciting.  You may need a stronger bit for hunting than you do for trail riding or cross country.

All horses should be current on all core vaccines and boosters that are appropriate for the area, and should have a current negative result on a Coggins test.



Field Secretary Sharon Russell.
Field Secretary Sharon Russell

Generally, guests are expected to ride at the back of a field (group) along with their friend/mentor.  Keep your horse a safe distance from the horse ahead of you.  Hounds and staff always have the right of way, and your horse should never kick a hound.  When in the woods, turn your horse’s head to face hounds, staff, or other riders as they ride past you.  

Please dress appropriately, and be sure your mount is groomed and tacked appropriately.  

We like to arrive about an hour before a hunt begins, so that we have time to tack our horses, tie our stocks, greet one another, and enjoy a stirrup cup!  

When you arrive, seek out the field secretary and be sure that she has your signed waiver and your payment.  She must have both those things before you put your foot in the stirrup.  Also, if you haven’t yet met the masters, please introduce yourself!  They will want to introduce you to the other members during the announcements, which take place while mounted, just before we move off.



All riding members and guests who ride in Indian Hill must purchase an Indian Hill trail license each year from the Village administration office located at the corner of Shawnee Run and Drake Roads in Indian Hill. You may purchase a day pass online in advance (recommended), or the morning of the hunt with the help of the field secretary (be sure to arrive early to give yourself time for this).

All riding members and guests who hunt in Kentucky must purchase a Kentucky Hunting license each year. A one-day license is available as well as an annual license.  Please purchase your license online in advance of the hunt.

Capping fees

Riders Regular days High Holy Days* 2-Day Weekends**

Guests, Social Members, Non-Resident Members

$100 $150 $150

Under 25 years of age

$25 $40 $40

Capping fees help feed and care for our foxhounds.

Juniors who are members in good standing of Pony Club or 4-H may hunt four times for free in a season, after paying their first cap of $25.

*High Holy Days are marked and celebrated special occasions (designated by the Board of Directors) which include: 

  • Opening day of cubbing season (usually Labor Day)
  • Blessing of the Hounds (first day of formal season)
  • Thanksgiving Day
  • the hunting preceding the Indian Hill Christmas Party
  • Boxing Day

**Once a month we schedule a two-day hunting weekend in Owen County, KY.  Riders may join for one day, at the regular capping price, or join for both days at a reduced rate.


The Hound Retirement Fund is an independent, not-for-profit organization that seeks to gather and use resources for charitable, scientific, and educational purposes including, but not limited to, the care of retired sporting hounds, provision of emergency care for hounds, support of dog-related human organizations, and support of veterinary research project for sporting canines.


The Hound Retirement Fund is an independent, not-for-profit organization that seeks to gather and use resources for charitable, scientific, and educational purposes including, but not limited to, the care of retired sporting hounds, provision of emergency care for hounds, support of dog-related human organizations, and support of veterinary research project for sporting canines.